Life After Degree is Hard but I won't stop achieving success!

 I remembered when I just finished my degree September 2021, I had an interview for customer service position,  but sadly I didn't get accepted. Straight until December 2021, I wasted quite a lot of time, only to be in interviews that wasn't in my field (though I know at the moment I shouldn't be choosy, it wasn't really intriguing to me, haha I wonder why I went to the interviews).

Safe to say, during september 2021 until december 2021, I went through a lot. Experienced a relationship (toxic one) but safely made myself out from it. Not to mention that I got warded at the end of the year. 

This january, didn't really much, except submitted bunch of job applications. But for the life of me, I will never apply any position in industry. Because I hated the environment (hehe garu kepala, ye lah aku da intern kat JAKIM. office vibe dia n relaxed feeling tu best) I wouldn't trade it to work in industry as halal executive( no offense to any hardworking Halal Executive out there, respect u guys a lot) It's just, not for me. 

18th of February 2022 I went to Pahang with Haziq Idris, since his family will be taking us to Johor for interview for lecturer post at KYPJ on 20th of February 2022.

The interview session went well. I performed well in mock teaching and attracted attention from all of the interviewers. To the point I felt that I overshadow other candidates, including Haziq, which makes me feel bad. But here's the thing, I wasn't picked for the position! I'm truly not trying to brag, but considering teaching skills out of all the candidates, I do believe I have the skills needed. But whatever, in my mind it's the loss for their organization (lol yakin melampau di situ) but believe me aku takkan yakin semena-mena without basis. Kita confident sebab kita menyerlah waktu tu. But perancangan Allah kan, I redha aja haha.

Here's my pictures with haziq!


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