Of January

I think I am into writing mood especially right now. So I thought it would be best if I've a blog that I could post on that without having mixed with my own personal story. Just like Fajrul did in his Qanturah story hehe, I am so gonna do that too. Just wait and I'll post the story afterwards. And so sorry to tell you that I am just too lazy to think about the Red Nerve and decided not to continue the story. Haha you know that, writer's block. This is what we got when we don't follow what the normal writers do. Well, have a nice day!

p/s: I might or I might not tell you guys about my new blog because I found that is more interesting knowing that there is no one knows about what did I wrote lolllll .. hahahahahaha


Anas Fikri said…
Seriously Tq Fajrul! I am so touched by that. But don't worry about my problem with the Red Nerve. I just thought maybe I could came something good but the truth is I am just playing around rather than wrote the story seriously and ludicrously. I mean like, just look how irrational my story was, the kentut part, the bebajet cute! Hahaha . This time I will turn my mood on so that's why I'm trying to get the fresh vibes by making a new story rather to continue what have I done before because I find it something unfresh. Huhu. But believe me insyabAllah the next one will work. Let's just do our best too.

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