
Hey ya. Semester 3 is coming. So yeah, actually i had planned to make a post about the past semester exam and even prepared photos of it, but i guess im just too lazy to type, like soo lazy.. Or maybe i just dpnt felt like to...

And btw my result for semester has came out and I got 4 flat, and my CGPA is 3.89, yeeahooo..

I feel stressed and pressured when you think about the result. It gave you no room to slack off, like i need to work hard to maintain and improve it.

Argh Im excited but anxious at the same time. Do pray for me. This semester I think I got to live in perindu, i guess? It is not confirmed yet but there was someone messaged me saying tht they wanted to make me as rakau surau, which meant tht my name will be reserved for the college.

Now, my problem is tht aidil-my renthouse aka housemate,roomate and classmate, didnt know about this, and it would felt awkward if i were to leave him in the rent house kondo kristal, where we were not even close to any other housmates... They did their own things and so did we, and if i were to live in perindu and leave him, and when i tell him i got to be rakn surau, he might want to use me as a cable too, which i am not sure i am good cble (lol),or not to ensure his admission.or best to say i dont like to use connection..but thts it,


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