My update of 2018


It really has been a long time since I last update this blog. A week before,  I just happened to remember of my blog and decided to visit it. And....
WhoahhhhhhhhhHuOuhhhh, what a memoryland i just had! eventhough past posts full of my immature writing, I kind of enjoyed it because,
I know that I am simply a normal human, post that sounds sad , sounds happy, sounds excited, sounds anxiety, totally show my state of mind when I was writing that.
I will sum up my activities during my absence.

End of April until May 2017

1st year exam at Azhar. Really worried since my tarikh tasyri' paper was a total mess. I couldn't comprehend an ounce of the question! Total blackout tho.

June 2017 

Back to malaysia. Fasting and Raya-ing with family and relatives at Perak. Had a nice hangout with friends too

September 2017

We(me, wafi and udin) had a fight with kois. Upset because he lied to us. I could understand if he has his reason or just simply confess to us why he did tht since the first start of our friendship, but he chose not to admit all of the things. Looking at myself, I feel stupid because I feel I was fooled and gave in my trust so easily while the other person considered my trust just like nothing. The last words that I said to him before he blocked me at whatsapp was, "ko still nk tipu juga kan last2 skli, kitorg minta pjelasan je, apa2pun lepas ni klo jumpa kwn baru just jujur je/jgn menipu". Kois did message me after awhile, but i just can't reply. Sorry. I forgive him but to be friend is a no-no.

January 2018, 

I registered at USAS,Perak to continue my studies. Due to my health, I stop my study at azhar, eventho I passed the exam and got in for 2nd year(since they use the failed-three-subject-you-have-to-repeat-the-year system)
Lucky me managed to only fail one subject lol. And tht was tarikh tasyri'.

13th of February

Nazirul asked me whether I hv looked through the application to uitm and he said he got the application but denied it since he already comfortable at usas. I surfed the portal and got a shock tht I got the application to uitm, since I was just about to get ptptn sign from hep usas. Called ibu and sge said it is a good idea and guess what, the next day was the last day I was at USAS. Only one month and then start my journey at UITM since March until Now, October 2018.

Hangout at alamanda with shuk,  dec 2017, 

Last day at USAS 22nd of feb 2018 i think

With roomates A1-1-1 at USAS.

with Nazirul, schoolmate

joined pantun competition, WIRASA UiTM, academy of contemporary islamic studies' representatives.

after we lost lolllll haha 
cant remember the place name, but at Putrajaya, taman saujana putra, kot? or taman hijau saujana, entahlahh

astaka morocco at putrajaya

hangout with kuan,wafi and udin an tamarind square,cyberjaya.  2018

they sleptover at my house.

okay that's all thnk you guys!


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