
Showing posts from February, 2022

Life After Degree is Hard but I won't stop achieving success!

 I remembered when I just finished my degree September 2021, I had an interview for customer service position,  but sadly I didn't get accepted. Straight until December 2021, I wasted quite a lot of time, only to be in interviews that wasn't in my field (though I know at the moment I shouldn't be choosy, it wasn't really intriguing to me, haha I wonder why I went to the interviews). Safe to say, during september 2021 until december 2021, I went through a lot. Experienced a relationship (toxic one) but safely made myself out from it. Not to mention that I got warded at the end of the year.  This january, didn't really much, except submitted bunch of job applications. But for the life of me, I will never apply any position in industry. Because I hated the environment (hehe garu kepala, ye lah aku da intern kat JAKIM. office vibe dia n relaxed feeling tu best) I wouldn't trade it to work in industry as halal executive( no offense to any hardworking Halal Executive ...