My update of 2018

Assalamualaikum. It really has been a long time since I last update this blog. A week before, I just happened to remember of my blog and decided to visit it. And.... WhoahhhhhhhhhHuOuhhhh, what a memoryland i just had! eventhough past posts full of my immature writing, I kind of enjoyed it because, I know that I am simply a normal human, post that sounds sad , sounds happy, sounds excited, sounds anxiety, totally show my state of mind when I was writing that. I will sum up my activities during my absence. End of April until May 2017 1st year exam at Azhar. Really worried since my tarikh tasyri' paper was a total mess. I couldn't comprehend an ounce of the question! Total blackout tho. June 2017 Back to malaysia. Fasting and Raya-ing with family and relatives at Perak. Had a nice hangout with friends too September 2017 We(me, wafi and udin) had a fight with kois. Upset because he lied to us. I could understand if he has his reason or just simp...