Of 22nd birthday

Hi Assalamualaikum today is my birthday so I would like to make a short post about it. (now that Ive finished writing this post, I realized it is not in any way short haha) In the morning, I took my laundry to the dryer on 2nd floor( I am now live at kristal condo, precisely at 6th floor) And before I sleep yesterday, wafi and zul wished me and i thought my other best friends forget about my birthday, which was making me kinda sad lol haha.. Since I believe they certainly knew about my birthday but because of their works and thesis they maybe forget about that..But they at the end remember and I am happy! Not that I care deeply about the birth date, it is just the thought of someone remember of this day made me happy and touched. So while I was waiting for my laundry to dry, I made a whatsapp status "epi bufday!! To me" hahaha silly wasn't it..😝😄 By then, many of my classmates and friends messaged me wishing for my birthday. Thank you very much you guys, tho...